
The House of Wittgenstein: A Family at War - Alexander Waugh

Vi os olhos de Wittgenstein no romance Austerlitz, de Sebald:

all I remember of the denizens of the Nocturama is that several of them had strikingly large eyes, and the fixed, enquiring gaze found in certain painters and philosophers who seek to penetrate the darkness which surrounds us purely by means of looking and thinking

Emprestei o livro a um familiar. O livro nunca mais o vi, mas não parei de ver Wittgenstein aqui e ali. De resto, não é nome que se esqueça. 

Os Wittgenstein são infelizes à sua maneira, dando razão a Tolstói. Tiveram muitos azares, mas eram imaginativos o suficiente para serem infelizes por conta própria. Waugh, que pertence a outra família famosamente infeliz, organiza os factos em forma de sátira realista: 

An intercepted report from Dr. Schoene to his bosses in Berlin explained that he had been frustrated in his efforts to seize the Wistag fortune for Germany "by the Jewish lawyers, Wachtell and Bloch, who are ill disposed towards the Reich."

Demasiado realista.

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